Going Through Mergers and Acquisitions? TAD Can Help You Sleep Through the Night

According to The Atlantic, nearly $5 trillion worth of deals were announced last year, making 2015 a record year for mergers and acquisitions (M&A) nationwide. With M&A comes change. With change comes stress, and sometimes stress has implications beyond the sweaty palms and need for stock in an aspirin company.


Ratchet down the stress level by handing off some of the heavy lifting to TAD. We can:

  • Audit the target company’s HR practices and structure
  • Assess key people to be sure you are acquiring top talent
  • Capture details about the cultural differences to help you blend successfully
  • Help design retention agreements to make sure you keep those key players
  • Build HR foundations that will support this scale of rapid growth
  • Define best practices, keeping the “pearls” from each organization, and help you communicate any needed changes effectively
  • Develop onboarding and influencing plans to make the transitions smoother and more palatable to your existing talent
  • Support you as you continue to grow strategically
  • Help you communicate all the necessary details to help people feel secure, informed, and ready for the changes


Call us at Talent Assessment & Development today at (314) 485-1390 to put your mind at ease!


You can also learn more about who we are and how we can serve you by visiting www.consultTAD.com.
